Enea Jahollari
An enthusiastic technical professional with a complete understanding of the entire software development lifecycle.
I'm a Google Developer Expert for Angular and I'm passionate about frontend development in general, focused on performance, scalability and user experience.
I tweet a lot about Angular latest news and updates, so if you want to get them, you can do it by giving me a follow on Twitter. Also, I write about it in Medium, so if you want to read my articles, you can give me a follow there too.
Work experiences:
Currently, I'm a Consulting Software Engineer at Push-Based.io, and I'm responsible for auditing, profiling and optimising enterprise scale Angular applications.
Things I've worked on:
- Build time performance optimisations
- Application runtime performance optimisations
- Code architecture improvements
- Code modernisation with latest Angular features
- Open Source collaboration
Before that, I've also been responsible for setting up new application from scratch, and architecting app architectures to make them scalable, performant, accessible and easy to use.
Also, I've had to improve large legacy single page applications, by adding new features and refactoring, while making sure they continue to work undisturbed in production.
Using Angular with a variety of libraries and other frameworks like Ionic, NgRx, RxAngular, PrimeNG, .Net, Node.js, and more, targeting all platforms including iOS, Android, Desktop apps, etc,. is something I'm very familiar with.
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